Monday, 19 July 2010

Cannibal king villager's

During our term one holidays a group of students came back to school for our first practice for school production !
we had to do some drama exercises and then we got onto the real stuff which was our first act for the musical. Mrs Lologa and Mr Lologa chose random people to act the parts. The next day we were told who was going to perform those parts! We were then broken into our groups which were villages, cannibals, warriors and the main actors like the faifeau,King, Queen, Lagi,Losa and the kings son prince Va'a, then after that we got onto our first dances taught by Sandra and Lily was pretty complicated but at the end it was perfect. We learnt 8 more dances and then after hours of dancing we had a shared lunch !
Our first cannibal King performance was nerve wrecking for most of us especially our main actors , villagers took it pretty well in all the dances because they were cheered on by their peers , a lot of our cast were shaky at the beginning but by the end we had a lot of good feed back from the audience saying that they LOVED the show and that the dances were awesome.
By our second performance we learnt from of a lot our mistakes that we did on the first performance and improved on it a lot, it was just like the first one but we all gained confidence and acted with expression because we all had faith in each other thats how we made it through !
our very last performance was awesome but at the same time sad because we all knew it was going to be OVER !
Tumanu & Chaolynn Room 13

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