Tuesday, 27 April 2010

BOOK REVIEW: Miles to Go

"Miles to go" is written by the one and only Miley Cyrus with Hillary Liftin.
Miley describes her life in "Miles to go". If you are a big fan I definitely recommend it. Miley tells her story from past to future, her likes and her dislikes and everything she has been up to these days.
By Allison Room 22


This week we have the finalists for the NZ Post Childrens Book Awards on Display in the Library. Come in and have a look at the nominated books and make your vote.
All Voting forms are held in the Library office. Just ask Whaea Maja or one of the other librarians for more information.

ANZAC Day Display 2010

Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.

Monday, 26 April 2010

ANZAC Poppies

After the ANZAC service we placed the Poppies from our wall of remembrance on the cross in front of Memorial in Manurewa.

Sunday, 25 April 2010

ANZAC Day Dawn Parade Manurewa

Before sunrise we gathered around the Memorial in Manurewa. Once the Returned Servicemen and Officials arrived the service began, it was very moving. Reveille was played just as the sun began to rise, it was a beautiful service. It was so nice to see some of the Teachers and Students from Randwick Park School there and so many of our rangatahi participating in Dawn Parade.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.

ANZAC Day Display

During the week Students came into the Library and ICT to do research for Anzac Day. Using information and images gathered from the Internet, books and personal family stories we were able to created a display. Some students were able to find their grandparents who had served for the NZ forces during WWI and WWII using the Auckland Museum Cenotaph website. In memory of our Grandfathers, Great Grandfathers, Friends and Family who served and fought with the ANZACs we placed photos of them to our wall with an ANZAC Poppy. On Sunday we will take the Poppy's to dawn Parade in Manurewa to place them in the Wreath there. Thank you to everyone who helped with the Anzac Display. A lot of thought and hard work went into it and it looks fantastic.

Thursday, 22 April 2010

Scholastic Book Club issue 3

The new Scholastic ABC, Lucky, Star & Arrow Book Club pamphlets have been given out to all classes. Please return orders & money to the School Office by Tuesday 4th May.

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Thomas' Polyfest Report

On Friday 19 of March 2010 our RPS reporters went to the annual ASB Polyfest. This year was the 35th Anniversary of the event.
It was a fun action packed day. We saw lots of different cultures perform, there were Samoan, Tongan, Maori, Cook Island and Niuean Stages and lots of other groups performed during the breaks.
We interviewed TV Presenters, Students, Police Officers and heaps more. The saddest part of the day was leaving Polyfest, every one enjoyed their day, Especially me!
By Thomas 1/4/10

Miley Cyrus - Miles to go

Title: Miley Cyrus - Miles to Go
Author: Miley Cyrus
Location: Non-Fiction 782.42

This book is all about Miley and her incredible journey thus far. It is a fun read, definitely a book for the girls.

Title: VAMRYRE The Terrifying Lost Journal of Dr. Cornelius Van Helsing

This book walks you through the Journal of Cornelius Van Helsing, it is filled with interesting pictures, maps, diary entries, letters, holographic pictures, flip ups, pull tabs and much more. If you are interested in Vampires this book is a must read. Located in the Library Office.

Cherokee's Polyfest Report

Attending Polyfest 2010 was the best experience this year!
Sheridan & I were the main Reporters for the Maori Stage. We had to interview people about the Polyfest & what makes it so Awesome. We spoke to a variety of people from all over Auckland, from different Schools and Church Groups, we even got to speak to Tiare from Pukana. It was interesting to hear what they had to say.
The best part of my day was watching the James Cook Kapahaka Roopu perform. They were inspiring to watch, one day I would like to perform as good as them.
For me the Maori stage was by far the best.
Being there to experience the different cultures through music and dance was a once in a lifetime opportunity and I will definitely be going back next year.
By Cherokee 7/4/10