Tuesday, 9 March 2010


Kia ora, Malo e lelei, Welcome to the
Randwick Park School Information Centre Blog.

This year with the help of my School Librarians/ICT Mentors we will endeavor to keep you up to date with whats happening here in the Library & ICT Lab.

I'd like to say a big
to all students who applied for the Librarian/ICT Mentor positions. It was hard trying to select from so many exceptional candidates. The Roster is now up in the library for viewing.

The Library & ICT Lab are now in full swing. It has been a great start to the year. Our new Librarian/ICT Mentors are taking on more responsibilities in 2010. Most of them have been selected to do extension work in the ICT so watch this space for updates of their mahi this term.

We have already ordered in hundreds of new books & subscribed to new Magazines which should keep our tamariki stimulated & well informed throughout the year.

"COOL READERS CLUB" forms are available from the Library office if you would like one. 87 Students have already signed up for 2010, get in quick as "COOL READERS" applications will close at the end of term 1.

If at any time you need to contact me, Whaea Maja, in the Library feel free to stop in for a chat or call the school number & ask to be put through to the Library.

Ka kite for now
Whaea Maia

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