Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Duffys 15th Birthday & Hats in Literature

This week is Duffy's 15th Birthday!
To celebrate his birthday we are having competitions based on hats in Literature.
Design a new hat for Duffy! He's had the same hat for 15 years...
The best designs will win prizes & be invited to the mad-hatters party on Thursday.
All week during morningtea & lunchtime we will be reading books or watching movies with stories that have hats as a main feature in the plot.
"Come along & have some fun with us in the Library"

Steelers interview Part II

Last Tuesday the
"Hardcore Steelers Supporter Reporters"
got to go out to Growers stadium to re-interview Tana and do a follow up report.
Once again the Steelers Management & Players made us feel like part of the whanau, allowing the boys to kick the ball around, get up close to their training & let the boys ask a few questions for their interviews.
The latest report can be viewed on "You tube" just type in Randwick Park School Tana Umaga & you'll find it. We're going to be out doing more interviews so watch this space...

Friday, 13 August 2010

Manurewa Intermediate League Winners

"There he goes running up the side line steps in then out. He's going, he's going... TRY... to Randwick Park School" That's what I would of said if I was commentating the final Randwick Park School vs Wiri and of course we won.
We could of won with our eyes closed. Nah I'm just joking it was really hard and it was a relief when we won the Manurewa tornament because we knew all the blood sweat and tears that we put into our training paid off.
Seanoa Room 13

Wednesday, 11 August 2010


Lorenzo, Justice, Dan, Emily, and Whaea Maja all went to Bruce Pulman Park today to watch the Manukau Steelers train before their big match this weekend against Southland to challenge for the Ranfurly Shield.
We were lucky enough to get to interview "THE MAN!" Tana Umaga. It was a great experience for all of us. We learn a lot about the Steelers & Tana Umaga. The Counties Manukau team are awesome, they made us feel at home and even asked if we would join them for a BBQ. Were even allowed to kick the ball around with them.
Today was AWESOME! I hope to get picked to go on another trip like this.
Thanks to the Counties Manukau Steelers for letting us hang out with them today and thanks to our Teachers & Principal who let us go.
Interview with "THE MAN"
Tana Umaga in the flesh!
Emily, Justis, Tana, Dan & Lorenzo
Signatures for a job well done!